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CSRS Outage Notice:

Due to an unplanned database outage, some CSRS services are currently unavailable.

RTK Networks

Help for RTK Networks

The Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) Networks include all private GPS/GNSS reference networks which have entered into a compliance agreement with NRCan to ensure the integration of their reference stations into the national standard (NAD83 (CSRS)). For more information on a specific network please click on the specific network contact link located below the map.

Information about selected stations can be downloaded in the CSV, KML, or PDF formats from the "Station information" panel. To select stations, use the checkboxes in the Map or the Stations list. Search results will be shown on the map and added to the stations list.

You can search for a station by name in the Find a station tab. It is also possible to search a station from the Network search tab. For networks searches, you can define an area in four ways:

  1. Changing the visible map area
  2. NTS Map Sheet
  3. Radial search
  4. Geographic Bounds

RTK networks

Status Display

Define search area

NTS map sheet
Radial search
Geographic bounds



Stations List

Use of Canadian Geodetic Survey products and data is subject to the Open Government Licence - Canada

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