DIR Processing Direction: FWD : Forward BWD : Backward smoothed SCA : Final estimated position with scaled sigmas (Only for Static mode) FRAME Reference Frame STN Station name DAYofYEAR DAY of YEAR YEAR-MM-DD Observation Date HR:MN:SS.SS Observation Time NSV Number of satellites GDOP Geometric Dilution of Precision RMSC(m) stds/RMS of Carrier Phase residuals RMSP(m) stds/RMS of Pseudo-Range residuals DLAT(m) Difference between estimated and a priori positions - North dir. DLON(m) Difference between estimated and a priori positions - East dir. DHGT(m) Difference between estimated and a priori positions - Up dir. CLK(ns) Clock offset TZD(m) Estimated Total Zenith Delay for each epoch SDLAT(95%) Standard deviation(95%) of PPP estimated positions - North dir. SDLON(95%) Standard deviation(95%) of PPP estimated positions - East dir. SDHGT(95%) Standard deviation(95%) of PPP estimated positions - UP dir. SDCLK(95%) Standard deviation(95%) of clock offset SDTZD(95%) Formal uncertainty (sigma 95%) of the estimated Total Zenith Delay LATDD Estimated Position - Latitude Degrees LATMN Estimated Position - Latitude Minutes LATSS Estimated Position - Latitude Seconds LONDD Estimated Position - Longitude Degrees LONMN Estimated Position - Longitude Minutes LONSS Estimated Position - Longitude Seconds HGT(m) Estimated Position - Ellipsoidal Height UTMZONE* Estimated Position - UTM Zone UTM_EASTING* Estimated Position - UTM Easting UTM_NORTHING* Estimated Position - UTM Northing UTM_SCLPNT* Estimated Position - UTM Scale UTM_SCLCBN* Estimated Position - UTM Combined Scale MTMZONE** Estimated Position - MTM Zone MTM_EASTING** Estimated Position - MTM Easting MTM_NORTHING** Estimated Position - MTM Northing MTM_SCLPNT** Estimated Position - MTM Scale MTM_SCLCBN** Estimated Position - MTM Combined Scale ORTHGT(m)*** Estimated Orthometric Height SIGLAT_TOT(95%)† Total standard deviation(95%) (m) - North dir. SIGLON_TOT(95%)† Total standard deviation(95%) (m) - East dir. SIGHGT_TOT(95%)† Total standard deviation(95%) (m) - UP dir. (*) Only for Kinematic mode (**) Only for Kinematic if user selects NAD83(CSRS) as the reference frame and all positions are in Canada (***) Only for Kinematic if all positions are within the geoid model limits (†) Only when epoch transformation is applied. Total standard deviation incorporates both PPP and epoch transformation uncertainties