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Station Report

Geoid velocity added

To correct for the vertical drift between reference frames, the velocity of the geoid height (VN) is now calculated and incorporated into the calculation of the orthometric height. View documentation to learn more.

Site Identification

Name Province NTS map sheet Unique Number Provincial Identifier Network
79A568 Alberta 082I03 79A568 50113

Horizontal Data

Coordinates scaled from map

Latitude Longitude
50° 7' 15.6" 113° 6' 39.6"
Zone Easting (metres) Northing (metres) Scale
12 349096.891 5554217.937 0.99988

Vertical Data (levelling)

Vertical Datum Elevation (m) Order Gravity (mGal) Published Project ID
CGVD2013 (2010.0) 941.534 1st 980784.16 2013 H13ML1311
CGVD28 941.470 1st 981074.68 1979 VA41

The CGVD2013 height reported in the Vertical Data table is approximate because it is calculated from historical levelling data and not from the combination of GNSS and a geoid model.

Vertical Datum Separation

Datum 1 − Datum 2 Elevation 1 (m) Elevation 2 (m) Elevation Difference (m) Epoch
CGVD28 (lev) − CGVD2013 (lev) 941.470 941.534 -0.064 2010.0

Station Marker

Marker Type Inspected in Established by Status Comments
Permanent agency marker 1979 Canadian geodetic survey - nrcan Good


Carmanguay primary school, in town, tablet in north wall of gymnasium near northwest corner, 11.2 m southwest of flag support base, 13.8 m south of lamp post, 15 cm east of northwest corner, 16 cm above ground.

Use of Canadian Geodetic Survey products and data is subject to the Open Government Licence - Canada

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