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Notice: The Canadian Geodetic Survey (CGS) is releasing a new version of NAD83(CSRS) and a new velocity grid NAD83(CSRS) v8 - NAD83v80VG


Help for INDIR

The INDIR Inverse-Direct computation tool performs either a geodetic direct or inverse computation. Direct uses a starting point's geographic coordinates, an azimuth and a distance to compute the geographic coordinates of the end point. Inverse uses geographic coordinates of two points to compute azimuth and distance.

Batch mode is only available for inverse calculations.

Batch Processing

Single Calculation


Enter a value for a Zenith or Δh



Latitude 2 Longitude 2 h 2 (metres)
Distance (metres) Forward azimuth Reverse azimuth Zenith
Marker to marker

Use of Canadian Geodetic Survey products and data is subject to the Open Government Licence - Canada

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